Hope This Info Lowongan di PDAM Semarang can help u One of the biggest state-owned business entities (BUMN), PDAM Semarang is looking for highly motivated and professional person, to fill the job positions with details as follow : DIRECTOR1. Male / female, with limit age:a. Maks 55 years old for Director candidate coming from the tapsb. Maks 50 years old for director candidate coming from outside2. Minimum education S1 graduated3. Has some experience :a. 10 years for director candidate coming from inside PDAMb. minimum 15 years for director candidate from outside PDAM, proved that a letter (reference) from the previous company with good rating4. Graduate training in the management of drinking water or abroad that has been proved with accredited certificate or diploma.5. For the complete requirement, please follow the link below:
http://www.semarangkab.go.id/images/stories/direkturpdam.pdf6. For those who doesn't meet with the requirement, please don't subscribe to this oppportunity Send your complete application to:PANITIA SELEKSI CALON DIREKTURPDAM KABUPATEN SEMARANGALAMAT : BAGIAN PEREKONOMIAN SETDA KABUPATEN SEMARANGJALAN DIPONEGORO 14 UNGARAN 50511 PENDAFTARAN PADA TANGGAL 3 – 18 AGUSTUS 2009 (STEMPEL POS) UNGARAN, 30 JULI 2009KETUA PANITIA SELEKSI CALON DIREKTURPDAM KABUPATEN SEMARANG ttd Drs. GUNAWAN WIBISONO, MMPEMBINA TINGKAT INIP. 19610401 1985 03 1 018
source: http://textblog.newjobscareer.com/lowongan-di-pdam-semarang/
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